Adopted January, 2025
I. Fees.
Patrons of the Suttons Bay Bingham District Library (“Library”) shall be responsible for any of their fees or other charges in accordance with the Library’s standard schedules. Such schedules shall be adopted by Resolution of the Suttons Bay Bingham District Library Board and may be changed from time to time. Failure to pay these may result in the suspension of borrowing privileges. The fines and fees associated with the circulation of material are found in the Library’s Circulation Policy. The other current fees and fines are as follows:
- Copier & Computer Print Out Fees:
$ 0.20 per B&W copy
$ 0.20 per B&W copy, double sided
$ 0.50 per color copy
$ 0.50 per color copy, double sided
Price is the same per 8 ½ x 11, 8 ½ x 14 or 11 x 17 copy - Envelopes:
$ 0.20 per requested envelope - Scanning:
1. Outgoing Scans. Items can be scanned and sent to an email address. Scanning of documents will be done by the Library staff, as time permits. The library patron must write the receiving email address for library staff.
2. Errors. The Library is not responsible for errors due to poor image quality, problems on the receiving end, incorrect email addresses or other related problems.
3. Charges. There is no charge for scanning and sending documents. - Laminating:
$1.00 per each 8.5 x 11 laminated sheet
II. School Use of Library.
At the discretion of the Library Director and/or staff, a class can use the Library as a research facility if their teacher is present.
III. Library Hours.
Monday through Wednesday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.*
Friday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.*
Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Sunday Closed
*New hours will go into effect March 1, 2025
IV. Closing for Holidays.
The Library will be closed on the following holidays:
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Christmas Eve Day
Christmas Day
New Year’s Eve Day
If the holiday falls on a Sunday, the Library will also be closed on the Saturday preceding it.
V. Library Closing.
The Library Director, or a designated person, will close the Library when conditions are such that remaining open can be harmful to the staff and/or the patrons, for example due to inclement weather or natural disaster. The staff will be dismissed at the discretion of the Library Director.
VI. Designated Newspaper.
For any notice that requires publication by newspaper, the Library shall publish such notice in the Leelanau Enterprise.
VII. Returned Checks.
- No personal checks will be accepted without a phone number and address.
- Patrons whose personal checks have been returned shall be notified by phone or by mail.
- Patrons will be given ten (10) days from the date the notification was sent by mail to reimburse the amount of the original check.
- Patrons will be assessed a $37.00 service charge on all returned checks.