Adopted August 2021

I. Purpose.
The Suttons Bay Bingham District Library Board welcomes and encourages comments from the public who attend board meetings.   Pursuant to the requirements of the Open Meetings Act, a person shall be permitted to address a meeting of a Library under rules established and recorded by the Library.
II. Application

  1. If an agenda is available, the Library shall have copies of the agenda available for the public who attend a board meeting to review. The agenda shows designated times for the public to provide comments to the board.  These rules apply to the Public Comment Period in any regular or special meeting or any portion of a public hearing where public comment is required or designated (“Public Comment”).
  2. Members of the public have no right to address the Library Board or make comments outside of the Public Comment. At any time, the Library Board, in its discretion, may accept comments from the public.   However, outside of the Public Comment time, the Library Board is under no obligation to hear comments from the public.

III.       Rules of Public Comment.
The Library has adopted the following procedures to receive public comments at Board meetings:

  1. When the Library meeting reaches a designated time for Public Comments, the President (or other person who is chair of the meeting) shall call for on people for Public Comments.
  2. The President (or meeting chairperson) asks persons wishing to speak to raise their hands to be recognized by the President. The President shall recognize one person to speak at a time, and each speaker shall provide his/her name and address.  No person in attendance shall make a comment without being recognized.
  3. Public comments shall be addressed to the Library Board, not to other members of the audience or specific Board members.
  4. Public comments shall be limited to three (3) minutes. Each speaker is only entitled to one (1) three minute time during each meeting and may not split the time or “give” the time to another speaker.
  5. In lieu of speaking, a person should direct any written comments to the President of the Board of Trustees. Written materials submitted to the Library are considered public documents.
  6. The Library encourages free and complete public dialogue on Library issues within the bounds of civil discourse. Speakers may not breach the peace of the meeting and must follow the Library’s patron behavior policy.
  7. If a speaker includes specific questions to the board or the director in his/her public comments, the Library Board has no obligation to respond.
  8. Groups are encouraged to designate one or more individuals to speak on their behalf to avoid cumulative comments. However, there is no requirement to make such designation.
  9. Speakers shall understand that the Library Board has full discretion of the inclusion and detail of any public comment, including written correspondence, within the minutes. Speakers shall not expect the minutes to include verbatim transcripts or details of any individual comment.

IV. Recording of Rules.
These rules shall be recorded in the minutes and kept on file with the Library Director.